I Have a Secret To Tell You!

By Emma Rainville

If I told you I was going to go ahead and give away some of my most important business secrets, you’d probably think I was lying, right? 

Taking businesses to the next level is what we’re all about at Shockwave, from carrying out in-depth financial audits to mapping out effective, regulation-compliant marketing strategies (and a whole lot more). As you might guess, everything we do requires detailed, specialized knowledge.

But that doesn’t mean business owners need to be left in the dark, without any idea about what’s missing from their company. 

In fact, we believe that every entrepreneur should know what their company needs for success.

That’s why we’re getting ready to launch a never-before-seen program, designed to give entrepreneurs and high-level professionals a mastercourse in improving the most critical areas of their business. 

So welcome to OpsWave – and get ready for a real upgrade. 

What Is OpsWave?

It all started late last year, when some of my employees came to me with a suggestion. When we take on new clients, we work to build a starter package for audit. It’s an in-depth collection of billing details, organizational information, marketing data and the like.

Once we’ve got that information, we’re able to start making a difference for our clients, working to improve practically every aspect of their work. 

Given how much of a difference our starter packs make, the suggestion seemed strange: 

What if we showed people how to do everything that the starter pack covers?

At first, it almost sounded like it would be shooting ourselves in the foot. Like I said, it essentially means giving away a lot of our biggest secrets…

But the thing is, there’s only so much time in the day. We’ve always been extremely selective about the clients we take on, and always make sure we’ve got enough time to directly, personally help all our clients.

That means there’s a lot of people who we’ve had to turn down or put on a long waiting list, all successful entrepreneurs who deserve to be even more successful. 

As soon as I started thinking about it like that, OpsWave made perfect sense. It’s a way for us to help out even more people, showing them how to improve their finances, operations, marketing, and more – without compromising on the quality we offer our full-time clients.

Since then, we’ve been working to develop the OpsWave program. And now, we’re almost ready to launch OpsWave, giving a select group of businesses early-bird access to the course!

What OpsWave Means for Entrepreneurs

Like you’ll see in the image above, OpsWave is an incredibly in-depth course. Running 4 times a year for 2 cohorts at a time, the program brings together a small, select cohort of entrepreneurs and their most important employees for direct, expert training. Each cohort is exclusively limited to 4 companies, allowing us to directly support every single participant.

Across 12 weeks, OpsWave participants will tackle 6 in-depth modules. Each module starts out with a 1-2 hour seminar covering the topic, before following up the week after with personalized homework designed to explore the topic’s real-world applications.


Do you have a clear and effective organizational structure? Are your employees all working towards unified goals? Are they empowered to give feedback and ask questions when they’re unsure about something? 

The way that a business is structured is one of the single most important factors separating success from failure. Companies without an effective structure are less flexible, less effective – and far more likely to fail when the stress starts. 

This module’s all about getting that foundational structure set up and ready to go, empowering your employees to succeed.


For some, compliance is practically a dirty word. They don’t want to take the time to ensure that their marketing is legally acceptable, that they’re not making any unfounded claims – and they never take the time to see what their CS teams are saying. 

Time and time again, these businesses get caught. When that happens, the consequences aren’t just serious. They can often mean the end of a company, with large-scale fines and penalties causing major problems.

Being compliant doesn’t have to cost you sales – and can save your business. This module’s all about how to ensure best practices for your entire team.

Audit Part 1

Showing you exactly how to audit three key parts of your business, this module is a must for anyone making or selling products or services.

Starting off with a review of your manufacturing practices, the module proceeds to cover fulfillment options, along with an exploration of one of the most seemingly complicated parts of any business – merchant accounts.

Audit Part 2

Following up from module 3, the second part of this business audit takes a look at how to audit more customer-facing departments.

After an initial review of your customer service team (whether they’re in-house or outsourced), the module takes a look through an area that can either be an unexpected nightmare or an incredible source of profit – recurring subscriptions.


No matter who handles your finances right now, knowing what’s going on with your finances makes absolutely all the difference. 

Starting off, you’ll learn how to carry out an objective review of your current financial position (and understand why it may be very different from what you’re expecting to see). After that, you’ll find out how to review a balance sheet fully, along with a look at how to financially plan your next few years.


What does your company’s future look like? 

This module’s all about building a realistic, lasting and achievable long-term roadmap for your company. From planning overall yearly goals to creating clear quarterly rocks, this module brings the future far closer, and more achievable than ever. 

Applying for OpsWave

Right now, we’re getting ready to run our first-ever OpsWave course, and we’re looking to select a small group of early-bird candidates. Because we’re running OpsWave for the first time this July, we’re offering an exclusive discount for every candidate in our first cohort…

Normally, we’ll be charging $2,500 per company for OpsWave, including access and direct support for you and your most important employees. For our first cohort, we’re cutting that down by 90%, charging just $250 for a course that we know is going to make a tangible difference to your bottom line. 

If you’re currently bringing in an annual revenue between $2 and $50 million, and are looking for a way to take your business to the next level without the expense of an agency-level audit, you might be exactly who we’re looking for.

Be warned: the OpsWave program isn’t an easy ride. It’s about learning how to make that all-important difference for your business. That means it takes dedication, determination and effort – but can help you improve your company in a shocking range of ways.

Interested in applying? Just click here, fill out the attached form, and get ready to hear more very soon.

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